Tuesday 29 November 2022

A Little Wiki Experience



A Little Wiki Experience 


This new post is about  my new ,amazing wrtiting experience  on a wiki page. It is really kind of new and  diffirent thing for me. Already, being on the keyboard and tapping the letters in order to refer my toughts is  make me over the moon .This also allow me to an author of a page just like a blog but a lot of author which is my friends are there at the same time .They  share their contents ,too. When I see their name on the on the page a wonder what they share and click them , immediatley. When I reads them ı realy enjoy. Additionly  we can make comments  under the sharings. It is realy exciting to see others comment. To read comments make feel like they are thinking like me or  they dont agree with me .

In this wiki page , we had a duty for making a review about a film commonly chosen with a friend .My peer, Sara and I watched the film 'ıntouchables' shooted  and acted by French directors and actors. it was really a good chose. we enjoyed when watching it.

After watching the film, we wrote our thoughts on the page together ,and we shared  proper pictures finding  from the net. You can see our review in the picture and read  it if you wish from here. 

                    Here is also Sara's blog page. You can find her experinces there . 


                See you soon.

                Take care of yourself .🙋


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