Tuesday, 29 November 2022

A Little Wiki Experience



A Little Wiki Experience 


This new post is about  my new ,amazing wrtiting experience  on a wiki page. It is really kind of new and  diffirent thing for me. Already, being on the keyboard and tapping the letters in order to refer my toughts is  make me over the moon .This also allow me to an author of a page just like a blog but a lot of author which is my friends are there at the same time .They  share their contents ,too. When I see their name on the on the page a wonder what they share and click them , immediatley. When I reads them ı realy enjoy. Additionly  we can make comments  under the sharings. It is realy exciting to see others comment. To read comments make feel like they are thinking like me or  they dont agree with me .

In this wiki page , we had a duty for making a review about a film commonly chosen with a friend .My peer, Sara and I watched the film 'ıntouchables' shooted  and acted by French directors and actors. it was really a good chose. we enjoyed when watching it.

After watching the film, we wrote our thoughts on the page together ,and we shared  proper pictures finding  from the net. You can see our review in the picture and read  it if you wish from here. 

                    Here is also Sara's blog page. You can find her experinces there . 


                See you soon.

                Take care of yourself .🙋


Saturday, 5 November 2022



The 21st-Century Learning and Technology Integration In Language Classes

(the picture from here

The 21st century has welcomed us with myrıad of innovations in the education field just in like others. Education principle and methods have changed and tried to keep the pace with requirements of the era. The learners' profile also have changed in this regard. They have to acquıre educational, social and  technological new skılls anymore. These obligation caused the appearance of a new term named 'next generation learning. In this paper, I want to talk about the meaning of this term and share my analysis of the importance of  English language learning and integrating technology into language classes.

Actually, next-generation learning means quitting or transforming classical approaches to prepare the new generation for the 21st century. To achieve it,  the based on memorizing learning is tried to stop, the learners are supposed to be creative and collaborative. They should activate their advanced critical thinking skills everywhere in life. As you know, a lack of technology usage skills in learners is unacceptable due to the fact that we are surrounded by cutting-edge technology. Therefore,  it is impossible to keep technology out of classes, as well. In other words, the most significant and the first skills which are  requırements of the new era such as   digital litracy, recognising digital tools, being able to make a profit from them, etc. oblige technology integrated classes.

From the point of view of learning language, the facilitator side of the technology cannot be ignored . Online and comprehensive dictionaries, online courses for every language,  websites equipped with developed audial and visual sources, and so on are good helpers for both self-education and formal education in classes. A learner needs proper technological tools like these to learn new words, grammar rules, phrases ,contexts  totally grab , memorize and employ the language. When the technology-integrated learning is compared with the classical methods, it clearly seems that learners can really aquire the target language with high pleasure. Also, they actualize their knowledge easily. It is because the real life contains technology and the most useful way of learning is with it.

To sum up,  creating generations that are adapted to the 21st century is our responsibility as teachers. Because this is a technology and innovation era. To make them know the most appropriate tool for their needs and to use it accurately is our biggest duty. In a field like  the language learning of course we can also utilize these technological tools, and create new educational environments for learners.

With these sentences, I am ending my paper and waiting for your percious comments.

See you soon.

Take care of yourself .🙋



Friday, 4 November 2022

Welcoming Post

Who Am I?

 My life story begins in a rural town of Denizli, in 2003. I am the younger child of an educator  family. As you can see in the picture,ı am the one whose first toys are pen and paper. Therefore, my best friends were always my books; stories,  poems written by me, and my paintings on our house's doors and walls. My best playgrounds were my house and schools too. 

After the first 10 years of my quiet and calm life, moving to the city from the rural changed everything for me. I met the world and people over again. I was literally like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon.  In that years, the most striking thing for my family was my desire to attend an English course as a child who isn't an entrepreneur at all. That was my starting point to mingle with English. My teaching genes which passed down from my parents, and my natural environment also supported my wishes to be a teacher just like them.

Now  ı am 19 years old, a young and dynamic student .I am making real my dream at Marmara university in English LanguageTeaching (ELT) major. I am getting inspired by the experiences of my parents and elder sister who is a school counselor.I add them new informations and skills of 21st century.

I would be honored to see you in this blog, which I opened thinking that it is time to write down my own opinions about the field of particularly education of English.  If you are also curious about  new era improvments in the field of language teaching/learning methods, the new technologies, etc. please feel free to join me and share your comments.

See you  soon .
Take care of yourself 🙋


Current Issues ın ELT

     Current Issues ın ELT   In this article, you will read about my thoughts and experiences with the current issues in the teaching cours...