Tuesday 9 January 2024

Integrating VR Technology Into Language Teaching


As If You Were There 

     In this article, you will read about a sample of how we implemented VR technology in a language class, the importance of it, and how we assessed it.

    Presently, AR and VR technologies are at the top of the agenda. Therefore, as the teachers of the new era, we should find ways to integrate it into education. At this point, my friend and I did it with very basic but still useful material. And we did this through a very traditional activity, which is learning about a city, its museums, landmarks, and famous food. Firstly, my friend found a website to create QR codes; we linked them with sites where we found the contents and pasted those codes on the handouts. These codes lead them to the 360 tours of a museum, a cathedral, and the video of a recipe. I think 360 tours enhance their exploring experience, make feel them as if they were there for real and make the content more concrete for preparing their project. You see, even with such a simple activity, we can make use of VR to pull them into the 21st century's learning journey. That is why my friend and I very much enjoyed using VR in teaching a language.

    Here is the material we designed again on Canva. You can also take a look at Sude Filiz's blog to read her point of view.

 See you soon.

Take care of yourself .🙋

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